Understanding Hamas and Why That Matters

Editor’s Note: Lora Lucero sent along this information from Just World Educational, a non-profit that is sponsoring a public-education project for the Anglophone public worldwide. This will be a series of weekly online conversations, co-hosted by their board member, the veteran Palestinian-American journalist Rami G. Khouri and Helena Cobban, JWE president, with a range of experts on the theme of “Understanding Hamas and Why That Matters.”Dr. Paola Caridi, author of Hamas: From Resistance to Government and a founding member of the News Agency “Lettera22” and  their correspondent in Cairo, 2001-03, and in Jerusalem, 2003-12, will be the guest in the first session. Here’s the link to register for the zoom session: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rTL0RHtKSMaBEXbXwNFdeA#/registration

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